Excerpt: Osric’s Curse

Osric's Curse.png


It looks like you all really enjoyed the last excerpt I posted. I don’t have anything new on the current WIP, but this is from my NaNoWriMo project in 2016. It’s available on Wattpad, but I thought I’d bring one of my favorite parts over here. Hope you enjoy. I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below or through email!


“So if we are at a crossroads, where does it lead?”

“To the magick world, where nothing mundane can survive.”

“Well if that isn’t just ominous….”

“But true.” The annoying black cat looked up from it’s bathing. “I’ve tried to bring mice to do me when I knew Ric and I were going to be over there for a while, and they poofed as soon as we crossed the threshold.”

“Gross, dude.” I made fake vomiting sounds just to piss Merlin off. He was always so easy to make angry. “I remember! I used to fake puking just to make you angry, all those years ago! Then I’d laugh my self to pieces while the adults looked at me like I’d lost my mind. All except you, Pops…”

“I knew what you were doing the whole time!” He laughed heartily. “I found it rather amusing. I did the same thing when I was young, to tell the truth!”

“I can’t imagine you as a child, Pops. I don’t know why it is, but you seem to have lived more lives than the average grandfather. You’re tales of the past always seemed to be of times ancient and long gone.”

“Some of them were, Ricky. Though I tried to dress them up to seem closer to the modern age. Did I fail that badly?”

“Well, you’d sometimes forget what names you’d used and slip back to the ancient names…some of whom are pretty famous now.”

“Such an eye and ear for details, boy. That is going to serve you well as a wizard. But we don’t have as much time as I’d like to spend on your teaching, even taking into account the way time moves differently in a crossroads like this.”

“I’m still not convinced I’m sane, yet.”

Grandfather slammed his hand down on the table. “Confound it, boy. We really don’t have time for this. If what I think is happening is actually happening, the fate of every wizard, witch and mundane could be at stake! I hope that I’m wrong, but what if I’m right, boy! What then? It will take both of us, and many more, to stop the affliction that is spreading throughout Magica and treating to spill into the mundane world!”

“What would you have me do, Grandfather?” I was mortified. Pops never lost his temper, so I knew something major was going on. I knew that I had to at least go along for now. I had to see where this was leading.

“Read these,” he started laying out books and scrolls. “They are the most basic beginnings of magic. They will teach you how to control your abilities and how to work out what your abilities actually are. No two wizards have exactly the same skills. Once you finish these, wait for me to return. Do not read a single letter or word or anything out loud my boy. Words do have power. They can make things happen and until you know which words can do what, don’t say them.”

“Yes, sir. I will be very careful not to speak anything in these books and scrolls.”

“Very good Ricky. I will be back very soon. Read a swiftly as you can, you will retain everything just like your brain was a photocopier. Only much better when it comes times to use what you have read.”


I looked up from reading. I had made it through about a quarter of the stack Pops had laid out. My eyes felt like I’d been reading for days. Oh, and I was starving.

As if he could read my mind, Merlin looked at me and said, “Think about what you want to eat and drink. If you want it badly enough, it will show up.”

“Sure. And pigs will fly…”

“Didn’t you hear with your grandfather said, fool…. be careful what you say!”

“Okay okay okay… sheesh! I could use a good cheeseburger and some fries. An ice cold soda would be amazing too.”

“Well, think about it hard enough, and you’ll get it.”

“I’m sure I will” I rolled my eyes and went back to reading.

I finished the book I was on fairly quickly… I think. Time was impossible to measure in that room. When I looked up to grab the next thing to read, I saw a plate with a burger and fries plus a cup of soda beside it.

“I told you so”

“Shut up, you smarmy cat!” I started eating, forgetting about Pops rush for me to learn all this mess.


By the time I finished all the books and scrolls Pops had set out for me, my head was banging and my eyes felt like sand dunes in my head.

I looked around and saw the couch I had work up on earlier. “Merlin, do you think Pops will be back very soon? I’m exhausted and could use a nap.”

“I can slow time even further in here for you, Ricky. Lay down and rest. You’ve done well today. Ric will be very proud of you.”

“Thanks, Merlin. I’m sorry I ever stopped talking to you. I really did forget you could talk. Forgive me?”

“I knew it would happen, just like I knew we would be down here one day with you learning to be a wizard just like Ric. I am looking forward to see what kind wizard you will be.”

“Thanks, bud. I’ll try not to sleep too long.”

“Okay. Sleep well. It may be a while before we get to sleep again.” With those ominous, but fateful words, Merlin slipped off to a corner and I laid down. I was asleep nearly instantly.


Before I knew it, I was wide awake and looking into my grandfathers ELEPHANT eyes. The wisdom and love there was enough to blow my mind.

“Hey, Pops. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long for me to wake.”

“I actually just got here my boy. I think Merlin must have slowed time for you…I felt it come back to what passes for normal in here…”

“He did, Pops. Please don’t be upset with him!”

“I’m actually pleased he thought to do such a thing. Where is he?”

“I’m here, Ric, and I had to do something for the boy. He’d been reading for so long and only ate once. I know we will all need our strength if things are as they appear.”

Pops sighed. “They may be much worse, old friend. Ricky, my boy, you read all of what I laid out already?”

“You said I could read fast, so I did. I just slowed down if I needed to double check if I understood.”

“I am quite proud of you my boy. Now, I have one more book I just want you to look at. It’s symbols, and they may not make sense just yet. All I want you to do is store them for later. We will need them if we must go to war, but carrying the whole book will be impossible.”

“WAR?!!! What are you talking about?”

“Ricky, everything I’m seeing is pointing towards a splintering of our kind. I keep sensing darker magic more often than ever before. I’ve lived more lifetimes than you can imagine right now. Nothing like this has ever happened in my time. It feels like something very negative is coming, and I fear we must prepare to fight our own for the good of us all–wizard and mundane alike.”

“You said there are also witches. Are they just the female of our kind?

“Sort of, but not exactly, my boy. They worship gods and goddesses in ways we never have. Some rely more on objects or rituals to focus their workings than most of us.”

“So, if I understand right, the only thing we need to manipulate the world is our mind. Especially in the mundane world?”

“That’s exactly right, my boy.” Pops beamed with such pride. You’d think I’d just discovered the cure for some horrible disease!

“So why would it take war to stop whatever is going on? Can’t we just wizard this other problem person out of existence?”

“Not quite. If only it were that easy! But we are nearly immortal, my boy. It takes way more to kill one of us that most would believe. I’ll get you something to read about that next time. Right now, you should go back upstairs. The lawyer will be here to read my will soon and you can’t miss that. Once that’s over with, and everyone has stormed out, come back down. We’ll get on with your learning.”

“Sure Pops. I hope they don’t think I’ve been gone too long.”

“They won’t. To them, it will only seem like a couple of hours, at most. Now hurry on up there, I can hardly wait to see their faces!”

“You’ll be there too?”

“Oh, yes. This should be quite entertaining. But don’t let on that you see me. Or you’ll be put into a mental institution for sure!”

“Okay, Pops. See you upstairs, I guess.”


Upstairs was much quieter than even I expected. Mom was sitting in a chair by Pops old desk. Her husband was standing behind her holding on to the ornate dark wood chair. The lawyer was sitting behind the desk in Pops favorite char in the whole house probably. It was large, with big armrests and overstuffed for comfort.

“Well, I hate to be here like this today. Ric was one of my best clients and a dear friend. I miss him already. I would wait for the reading, but he insisted that this must be read within 12 hours of his passing. You’re his only two heirs?”

“As far as I know.” Mom piped up. “He never talked of any other family, which was odd but so much like him.”

“Okay,” said the lawyer. “Sit down Ricky, and we will get this over as soon as possible.”

I sat in the chair next to mom, though I moved it just a bit to the right. I can’t stand her husband. He’s a cheat and worse. But I try not to hurt mom so I tolerate him when I absolutely have to.

“Ric set up a video for you all to watch if necessary, but he wanted to me give you two the gist of his will first. Then, if either of you wants, I can put the video in.”

“Sure, Marty. Let’s just get this over with. I’m exhausted” Mom whispered. The toll of the past few days showed strongly in her face. Her lines had gotten much deeper and there were such dark circles under her eyes. It almost physically hurt me to see her this way.



Email CTA

NaNoWriMo 2018 excerpt

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.”

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month


For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m writing a fantasy novel. I’m enjoying writing, when I can drag out a spare moment or few. I did a poll on my Facebook page, and it seems people want to read some excerpts !

The excerpt below is totally unedited  except for spelling. This is very close to the beginning of the book. It introduces my female main character and a very interesting pen. I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Join my email list to get a longer excerpt!



Thank goodness she’s gone. Now I can get back to work. People are so strange.


I started looking for the pen I had been taking notes with when Ginny walked in, but it wasn’t where I left it. Not My Favorite Pen again!  I grabbed the pen at the edge of the desk and started reading the tome that I was in the process of translating to common tongue. My hand was wrenched to the notebook.


What in the name of all the gods


The pen started moving across the paper….taking my hand with it. “Zavier LeVorge” it wrote in an unfamiliar script.


“Who in the hell is Zavier LaVorge?” I asked an empty room.


“The man who can save magick”


Email CTA

Worth A Thousand Words

If pictures are worth a thousand words, the inspiration they provide for literature can never be under estimated. Today just a quick collection of photos from deviantart. I’m looking for inspiration for NaNoWriMo! Happy Nano eve, Samhain, Halloween! ❤

Remember, always give credit to those who work hard on their art! It’s stealing, otherwise!

First, some Dia De Los Muertos pics.

(please check the history of this day. It’s a cultural thing I didn’t understand too well until a post in my NaNoWriMo group explained it.

Now some character type art for your inspiration!

Finally, some setting ideas.

Email CTA

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

This story was written as an entry into a short story contest. It lets you know where I’m starting from. read through Wattpad with the link below or scroll for the full story. Also, this was written under an old pen name…it really is me! 😀


Guilty Until Proven Innocent


Five Days Before Trial

Catching a serial killer usually makes a small town detective’s career rise. When we caught our one-and-only nut job, my partner and I both lost too much and gained nothing.

My name is Edwin Janos, but most call me Eddie. A couple a weeks ago, my partner-Landyn Waite- and I were sitting at our desks in Falls County Station. We were reading over police reports. We’re from a small town of about 5,000 souls unless plus a few furry ones. In other words, there’s not much detecting to do here in Falls, Virginia.

There was an update on a serial killer who’d been on the loose for over a year. The FBI had finally figured out the pattern to the times. They’d known after about a month and a half what the pattern for the locations was, even if I didn’t understand it.

This guy was a serious wack job. He didn’t have a type but he sure loved to torture them. The details are enough to gag a maggot, so I’ll spare you.

It was always difficult to ID the vics though. They were often cut real bad. With bruising surrounding each cut, figuring out the weapon had been a real pain in the ass. No one had figured that one out even as Landyn and I were about to bag this creep.

Two Weeks Before, 3 PM

“I told you it was something simple, Eddie”

“Yeah, a two-minute difference between every second victim. Took a year to figure that out when they figured out his crazy geographic pattern in a matter of days. Some experts!”

“Looks like they think creep is going to hit nearby, man”

“How close?”

“In town, from what I can figure. They give three GPS coordinates, and when I punch them into my phone I get two here in town and one up Richmond way.”

“Well, shit. I’m surprised we don’t have Feebs all over!”

“This asshole usually doesn’t hit until sunset”

“It takes those guys two weeks to wipe their own asses, man. No way they could set up surveillance of two sites in less than a day. You think they contacted the boss?”

“Naw, we’da heard about it if they had.”

“Reckon they’re focused on Richmond then.”

“He’s not hit any cities, though. Ya think they’ve missed that detail?”

“It’s as obvious as a blinking neon sign.”

“Do we patrol the two locations in town?”

“Somebody’s got to do it. This punk’s gotten away with murder for a year. If we have a chance in hell of stopping him, we have to take it. You, me, Jeffries and Daniels should be able to cover it.”

“We’d better tell the boss.”

“It’s your turn to take her news that’ll make her cuss.”

“Damn! I was hoping you’d forgot again”

7:30 PM

Landyn and I were sitting in our beat up surveillance car, trying not to look like cops. The sun setting to our left, the GPS coordinates to our right. We’re listening hard, yet trying to look like two guys just hanging out. We’ve got our strong-enough-to-kick-ass coffee and some jerky to keep us occupied.

This asshole hit right at sunset every time so far, but everyone runs late for work once in a while….

A scream echoes from the alley two blocks west of us.

“Dammit” I shout, “You head towards the back entrance to the alley, I’m heading to the front”

We run like the devil is giving chase. I get to the alley and there’s an old man standing over a woman in a puddle of blood.

“Police! Step away from that woman!”

He just looks at me with soulless eyes. “You go back to your donut shop, cop. I’m not finished here.”

I point my sidearm at him. “Step away from her. This is your last warning, sir.”

I see Landyn approaching like a ninja from the other side as the old man kicks out towards the woman on the ground.

I hear several shots ring out and the old man hits the ground. Landyn checks on the man as I go to check on the woman. I can just make out her pulse. As I reach for my cell to call for an ambulance, I hear a sickening, squishing sound.

I turn around. Landyn is lying on the ground, his head smashed in on one side. I start to run to him when the old man moves. I freeze for a moment as the old man pulls out a knife from the end of his work boot.

“You’re all alike. Inept. Foolish. Careless. Your partner’s dead and so are you.”

Then I feel the pistol in my hand. I raise it and fire until it’s empty. The old man is lying there with a hole where his face used to be.

I check on Landyn. He still has a steady heartbeat. The woman, however, isn’t so lucky.

I call for the ambulance, then I call my boss.

45 Minutes Later

“I can’t believe this frail old man is a goddamned cold-hearted serial killer with over 100 victims!” My boss is livid as she surveys the scene. “What the fuck happened here, Janos?”

I tell her what I remember, more or less, like I just told you

“And that’s your official story?” I could tell she didn’t believe a word.

“Yeah, that’s my official fucking story.”

Five Days Before Trial

Landyn lost many of his memories. Without them or cameras in the area, I’m fucked.

Charged with double homicide, I’m behind bars.

I’ve lost everything I care about.

My job.

My wife took the kids and left me.

Now I’m stuck pulling in favors and trying to work a system I know is against me, even though I am actually innocent!

The worst part? That piece of shit gets off looking like an innocent victim! A victim of a killer cop, no less.

Nanowrimo prep and ideas

It’s halfway through Preptober! Are you doing Nanowrimo this year? In case you’re just hearing about this yearly insanity, here’s what we’re talking about:

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.”

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month

“National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing.

On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought about writing a novel”

“The event began in 1999, and in 2005, National Novel Writing Month became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. NaNoWriMo’s programs now include National Novel Writing Month in November, Camp NaNoWriMo, the Young Writers Program, Come Write In, and the “Now What?” Months.” (all quotes from nanowrimo.org)

That’s the simple version. You can read all kinds of experiences and thoughts on this crazy, fun month of writing by searching any number of variations of the program name. I won’t bore you with all that. What I do want to offer you are some resources if you want to plan out and prepare over the next two weeks.

Nanowrimo forums to check out

The entire form can be an amazing way to procrastinate while feeling like your getting something done! Try to avoid that trap as often as possible! Here are some forums and one post I find especially helpful.

  • Nanoprep — exactly what it says on the tin! Ideas, generators, prompts, worksheets and more to help you prepare to write 50,000 plus words in 30 days!
  • Adoption Society — People leave ideas they aren’t using that you can try on for size. From plot ideas to characters, From Deities and names of all sorts— you can find it here. (Linking to the thread index, easier to find what you think you’re looking for!)
  • Helpful Resources and Sites — Again, just what it says.
  • Word tracker & story/character spreadsheets! — Thread linking to a spreadsheet author that I love her stuff. Great way for us geeks to see our progress and more

This is far from a comprehensive list of everything helpful on the forums. Sign up for your free account, then browse the forums. Start a thread, answer one, and generally have fun.

Nano Prep Posts Around The Web

black computer contemporary dark

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Here are some of my favorite posts to help with preparing for the writings. Your mileage may vary.

Generators I like

And then there’s Wrimoverse!

Huh? You thought we were talking about Nanowrimo? We still are… here’s what the Wrimoverse about page says:

ships-2Welcome to Wrimoverse a multi-region NaNo adventure, spanning the seven seas and a multitude of countries, timezones, the MLs and their Wrimos.

Every November we set sail to the multiverse of our imaginations and the many words waiting to be written there. This year we’re diving deep and fishing up a whale new adventure, that if you couldn’t tell has an ocean theme. (We were being very subtle. We know.)

There will be various activities and events for you take part in, to aid you in working on (and perhaps fin-ishing) your novels.

There’s tons to do with Wrimoverse to break up the writing, as well as special chat rooms on ChatNano. Chat rooms are great for word wars/sprints and commiserating on how well or poorly the writing is going. Lots of support and you can run into lifelong friends. Come on and join us… there’s also a competition to get points for your ship (go to the about page to find out everything!)

So, that’s it… for now. I’ll be doing my top tips for NaNoWriMo in the next day or two.  In the meantime, what tips do you have to prepare–general writing-related or Nano specific? Put them in the comments. Can hardly wait to see what YOU have to say!


Email CTA